Fast Kernel Summation via Slicing
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In the following, we give details on the implemented fast kernel summation. A theoretical background can be found here. A precise specification of all attributes and arguments in this library is given here. We aim to compute the kernel sums
\[s_m=\sum_{n=1}^N w_n K(x_n,y_m)\]for all $m=1,…,M$. The naive implementation has a computational complexity of $O(MN)$. The implementation of this library has complexity $O(M+N)$.
Supported Kernels
The implementation currently supports the following kernels:
- The
kernel given by $K(x,y)=\exp(-\frac1{2\sigma^2}\|x-y\|^2)$. - The
kernel given by $K(x,y)=\exp(-\frac1{\sigma}\|x-y\|)$. In the literature, the parameter $\sigma$ is often replaced by $\frac{1}{\alpha}$. However, we stick to the above notation to handle the scale parameter similarly for all kernels. - The
kernel given by $K(x,y)=\frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}(\tfrac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{\sigma}\|x-y\|)^\nu K_\nu(\tfrac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{\sigma}\|x-y\|)$, where $K_\nu$ is the modified Bessel function of second kind. The kernel depends on a smoothness parameter $\nu$ which determines its smoothness. The value of $\nu$ has to be passed within thekernel_params
dictionary (kernel_params["nu"]=nu
). For $\nu=\frac12$, we obtain the Laplace kernel and for $\nu\to\infty$, the Matern kernel converges towards the Gauss kernel. - The
kernel given by $K(x,y)=-\frac{1}{\sigma}\|x-y\|$. - The
kernel is given by $K(x,y)=-\frac{\|x-y\|^r}{\sigma^r}$ for some exponent $r\in(-1,\infty)$. For $r=1$ we resemble the energy kernel. The exponent $r$ has to be passed within thekernel_params
dictionary (kernel_params["r"]=r
). For small values of $r$ (say $r<1$), this kernel becomes very non-smooth at $x=y$. In this case, more Fourier coefficients in the fast Fourier summation might be required (which can be adjusted via the keyword argumentn_ft
in the constructor of theFastsum
object). - The
spline kernel is given by $K(x,y)=\frac{\|x-y\|^2}{\sigma^2}\log(\frac{\|x-y\|}{\sigma})$. - The
kernel is given by $K(x,y)=\log(\frac{\|x-y\|}{\sigma})$. This kernel is singular forx=y
. Therefore, the fast Fourier summation requires significantly more Fourier coefficients then for the other kernels (e.g.,n_ft=65536
for a relative error up to3e-3
Note: A better treatment for kernels which are non-smooth or singular at $x=y$ is implemented in the NFFT3 library.
Usage and Example
To use the fast kernel summation, we first create a Fastsum
object with fastsum=Fastsum(d, kernel="Gauss")
. It takes the dimension and the kernel (as string from the above list) as input.
Afterwards, we can compute the vector $s=(s_1,…,s_M)$ by s=fastsum(x, y, w, xis_or_P)
where x
has the shape (N,d)
, y
has the shape (M,d)
and w
has the shape (N,)
. The argument xis_or_P
either takes the number of considered slices as integer (higher number = higher accuracy) or the slices itself as a tensor of size (P,d)
Other optional arguments for the constructor of the Fastsum
object include (full list in the specification):
: For the Matern kernel, we also have to specifykernel_params=dict(nu=nu_val)
, wherenu_val
is a float specifying the smoothness parameter $\nu$.- Batch sizes: If the memory consumption is too high, the computation can be batched with two batch size parameters:
: batch size for the slicesbatch_size_nfft
: batch size for the NFFT (should be smaller or equalbatch_size_P
: By default the slices in the slicing algorithm are chosen iid. The performance can often be increased by using QMC rules. Currently the modes"iid"
are implemented, see specification for a description. Additionally, the value"non-sliced"
can be passed to apply the non-sliced fast Fourier summation. The choice"spherical_design"
is only applicable for $d=3$ and $d=4$. The default value is"non-sliced"
for $d\in\{1,2\}$"spherical_design"
for $d\in\{3,4\}$,"distance"
for $d \leq 100$ but $d\not\in\{3,4\}$ and"orthogonal"
import torch
from simple_torch_NFFT import Fastsum
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
d = 10 # data dimension
kernel = "Gauss" # kernel type
fastsum = Fastsum(d, kernel=kernel, device=device) # fastsum object
scale = 1.0 # kernel parameter
P = 256 # number of projections for slicing
N, M = 10000, 10000 # Number of data points
# data generation
x = torch.randn((N, d), device=device, dtype=torch.float)
y = torch.randn((M, d), device=device, dtype=torch.float)
x_weights = torch.rand(x.shape[0]).to(x)
kernel_sum = fastsum(x, y, x_weights, scale, P) # compute kernel sum