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PyTorch NFFT and Fast Kernel Summation via Slicing

In this library, we implement the following methods:

It requires only PyTorch (>= 2.5 recommended) and NumPy and can be installed with

pip install git+

Link to the github repository:
Link to the documentation:


For the NFFT:

For the fast kernel summation:


NFFT Example

import torch
from simple_torch_NFFT import NFFT

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

N = (2**10,)  # size of the regular grid as tuple, here (in 1D) 1024.

# create NFFT object
nfft = NFFT(N, device=device)

# Parameters of the input
M = 20000  # number of basis points
batch_x = 2  # batches of basis points
batch_f = 2  # batches of function values
# basis points, NFFT will be taken wrt the last dimension
x = (torch.rand((batch_x, 1, M, len(N),), device=device,) - 0.5 )

# forward NFFT
f_hat_shape = [batch_x, batch_f] + list(N)  # f_hat has batch dimensions + grid dimensions
f_hat = torch.randn(f_hat_shape, dtype=torch.complex64, device=device)  # Fourier coefficients
f = nfft(x, f_hat)

# adjoint NFFT
f = torch.randn((batch_x, batch_f, M), dtype=torch.complex64, device=device)  # function values
f_hat = nfft.adjoint(x, f)

Fast Kernel Summation

import torch
from simple_torch_NFFT import Fastsum

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

d = 10 # data dimension
kernel = "Gauss" # kernel type
fastsum = Fastsum(d, kernel=kernel, device=device) # fastsum object
scale = 1.0 # kernel parameter

P = 256 # number of projections for slicing
N, M = 10000, 10000 # Number of data points

# data generation
x = torch.randn((N, d), device=device, dtype=torch.float)
y = torch.randn((M, d), device=device, dtype=torch.float)
x_weights = torch.rand(x.shape[0]).to(x)

kernel_sum = fastsum(x, y, x_weights, scale, P) # compute kernel sum


This library was written by Johannes Hertrich in the context of fast kernel summations via slicing. If you find it usefull, please consider to cite

  title={Fast Summation of Radial Kernels via {QMC} Slicing},
  author={Hertrich, Johannes and Jahn, Tim and Quellmalz, Michael},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.01316},


  title={Fast Kernel Summation in High Dimensions via Slicing and {F}ourier transforms},
  author={Hertrich, Johannes},
  journal={SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science},